
Top tips for completing your apprenticeship

Apprentice Tios

We asked lecturers around the UK to provide their top tips that learners should follow to pass their apprenticeship with flying colours.

  1. Know and understand the qualification you are studying to get a good understanding of the units involved, when they will be delivered and the type of assignments you will be set.
  2. Try to be proactive in completing assignments and set aside time or make a plan so as to not do it all on the last day.
  3. Use the library computer resource when you have free time in college to complete work and/or portfolio as this will afford you more time, in the long run, for study when it’s needed.
  4. When completing assignments make sure you read and understand the question fully. When writing your answer, start the sentence by using the keywords from the question.
  5. Remember to put your name on all sheets if not presented altogether… though your assignment should be collated and presented neatly and in order.
  6. If you are using online resources in your work, make sure to reference these in your assignment.
  7. When taking exams make sure you use the allotted time. If you finish early,  review your work and make sure you have read the questions and answered them carefully.
  8. A Casio Fx-85GT calculator is a must-have!
  9. Approach your course with a positive mindset to work hard and embrace the electrical industry and all the opportunities it offers .
  10. Take pride in all work, the classroom, workshop and site. If you look after your learning environment it will look after you!
  11. A sure path to success is to take the initiative and read/research beyond the subject when away from the classroom.
  12. Respect yourself and others on the course. You are all trying to learn and all deserve the opportunity to do so in a supportive and productive environment.