Industry News

Plans for education and training ‘academy’ at Manston airport site

An education and training facility at the Manston airport site is planned to open in 2023, most likely on the Northern Grass, say site owners RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) says The isle of Thanet News.

RSP, which was granted a Development Consent Order by the government on July 9 to proceed with plans for a freight hub and associated aviation at the site, says it wants to create a facility that will give training to young people but also offer opportunities to the long-term unemployed.

The museum will remain independent with its own Board of Trustees, separate entrance and admission charging policy but would be able to expand its own education programmes.

RSP director Tony Freudmann said: “We will be offering facilities for young people in Thanet. The current plan is to create a facility on the airfield, probably at the Northern Grass.

The concept report also says: “Engaging with and inspiring long-term unemployed or underemployed adults will be a key focus for the Manston facility. We would also focus on retraining and up-skilling adults who have previously worked at Manston and those who would like to move their career to the airport.