Electrical Apprentice

Industry News
Training/supplier partnerships support product loyalty and innovation
Many electrical supply chain companies invest in training their own team, but for Ideal Industries, the specialist in electrical accessories, tools and equipment, training also forms part of a deeper commitment to the sector and the company’s business development strategy. General manager EMEA of Ideal Industries, Brett Smyth explains: “We know from experience that the products and brands electricians use when they are training are often the products and brands…
Apprenticeship Industry News
JTL is urging learners and employers to build for a better future this National Apprenticeship Week
Now more than ever, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there are thousands of jobseekers looking to upskill and employers looking to secure their businesses. This National Apprenticeship Week (8-14th February), leading national training provider, JTL, is encouraging both learners and employers to act now to build for a better future. JTL is promoting National Apprenticeship Week as an opportunity for learners to renew their aspirations and build skills in a…
Apprenticeship Industry News
Building back better with apprenticeships
National Apprenticeship Week 2021 celebrates the apprentices and employers that have gone above and beyond during the pandemic. Today (8 February) marks the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2021, which this year shines a light on the apprentices and employers who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic. To kick off the week, the government has announced brand new sector specific traineeship pilots in construction and rail to start…
Apprenticeship Industry News Technology
‘Build the Future’ announced as theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2021
“Build the Future” is the theme for NAW2021, taking place between 8 and 14 February 2021, aiming to encourage everyone to consider how apprenticeships help individuals to build the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career. The 14th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships, taking place across England, will showcase the impact apprenticeships can have on communities, local businesses and regional economies and how they all benefit from the impact of apprenticeships.…
Apprentice of the Year Industry News
Electrical Apprentice of the Year competition open for entries
The Electrical Apprentice of the Year competition run by NICEIC and ELECSA is now open for entries. The contest, which takes place over three stages, tests the skills and knowledge of the UK’s brightest electrical talents. Hundreds of students take part each year to be in with a chance of winning some fantastic prizes, including a £2,000 holiday voucher and the prestigious title of Electrical Apprentice of the Year. Darren…